Advantages Of Renewable Energy
Advantages Of Renewable Energy
Why is renewable energy important?
As global warming continues, there is a great demand for cleaner and less expensive ways to generate energy. Many industries are looking to minimise their overall carbon footprint and want to reduce their reliance on fuel-based energy sources. The construction and mining sectors make up a large portion of this to use zero- emission equipment to support the energy transition.
Switching to renewable energy is also a solution for industry that reduces the risk of power outages due to extreme weather conditions. In the event of severe storms, heat waves, and fires, renewable energy can continue to operate efficiently with minimal interruptions compared to power grids and power plants.
While providing instant, continuous, and quiet power is beneficial, renewable energy is an innovative alternative to reducing carbon emissions through clean natural resources.
What are the advantages of renewable energy?
From improving air quality and public health to job creation, there are many benefits of renewable energy:
Clean and Green:
Most of the global warming emissions stem from the electricity sector using fossil fuels. Renewable energy provides a vital clean power source, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.
Fewer greenhouse gas emissions also mean cleaner air. Fossil fuels emit nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide, damaging your health when frequently inhaled. Lung disease, respiratory discomfort, and some cancers are all risks from frequent exposure to polluted air.
Infinite sources:
The abundant supply of sun, wind, heat, and water represents an unlimited resource that can be continuously used and reused. This also means that renewable systems can generate electricity for industrial applications and buildings for a range of long-term operations. Continuous availability also means that energy is available immediately when you need it.
Renewable systems like turbines and solar panels absorb natural energy that can not be bought or sold. Your battery system then stores it, continuously generating electricity at a lower cost than non-renewable energy sources. The use of renewable energy is also beneficial in conjunction with fuel generators, drastically reducing fuel and maintenance costs and minimizing the carbon footprint.
Job creation:
Compared to non-renewable energy sources, renewable energy sources require installation, maintenance, transportation, logistics, legal, financial, and consulting services. This opens up a new, innovative sector that will create new jobs as the energy transition continues to develop.
Foxtheon delivers renewable energy around the world. No matter where you are, we can help. If you need further advice from a member of our team, please send an email to